The 'Puffed' Hijab Style
Recently, Hijab Style publish a post about the popular 'puffed' hijab on The Media Line. If you don't read it yet, you can read it here. It's an interesting topic for me, especially because few of my friends and my blog's readers once ever ask me about it: it's permissible or not, and the Media often blow up this issue. So, I was wondering about that.
The 'discussion' that came up at the comment section of the post also draw my attention. One of the readers left an interesting comment (and I agree with it), which reads:
"I can't believe people make such a fuss over nothing! As a muslim woman, it annoys me that every small decision we make such as our hair UNDER our hijabs is blown totally out of proportion. It's totally our choice what we decide to do regarding hijab." - Jaz.
At the first time when people ask me about this 'puffed' hijab. I'm not really sure it's allowed or not. I just think logically... When we have a long thick hair, where should we hide it underneath our hijab? We need to tying our hair up in a bun. It's also give some air circulation around our neck, and it's a bonus if people find it gives a beautiful shape to the hijab. I think this is natural. As long as we just put the bun normally and naturally, not extremely high on the top of our head, I think it's okay.
Few people use this hadith to prohibit the 'puffed' hijab:
Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There are two categories among the inhabitants of Hell whom I have not encountered. The first are people who carry whips like the tails of cows and beat the people with them. The second are women, clothed yet naked, drawn to licentiousness and enticing others to it, their heads like the swaying humps of camels – they will neither enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance, though its fragrance can be found to a great distance.” [Sahîh Muslim (2127)]
Based on the link of explanation that Jana has given to us, that hadith is very frequently mis-interpreted. Here's the link to read a thorough explanation about that. It shows no real proof to prohibit simply tying your hair up in a bun.
Perhaps the problem here is if we use a big abnormal imitation bun/hair clips to make a 'look' that seemingly we have a long thick hair, but the fact is not.
And I agreed with what Jana said to The Media Line:
Jana said she noticed the emergence of this style mostly among the younger generation.
“Young women are always eager to try out new trends, especially those that come out of the Gulf, as they are often associated with luxury and high fashion”.
She continued:
“Religious authorities always seem to be trying to control women’s expression of fashion, perhaps for fear that trying unconventional styles is somewhat a rejection of religious values. However, I believe it should be treated like any other fashion trend that will probably die out with time.”
Hope this article can give an answer to all of the doubts about 'puffed' hijab style, and stop us for making judgement on other people before seek for the truth.
And Allah knows best.
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