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Maxi Dress Moment

Hijabers Community Yogyakarta's Iftar, August 10th, 2011

HCY: "Assalamu'alaikum wr wb, Ukhti.. The dress code for this evening's iftar is Maxi dress." (mobile short message).
Me: *thinking* "Wow this is a chance for me to wear maxi dress.." (I've almost never wore maxi dress for my daily outfit.. ^_^.. So, this message made me feel very excited!).

Here are some style shoots from that event:
Sister Oya, the acoustic singer.
Iftar at Snap Cafe
Photo session after Maghrib pray:

The unique style of the day.. :)

Other maxi-dress' looks in that evening (I am sorry that some photos are blur.. hope they still can be your style inspiration  ^_^):
Not allowed to copy and paste photos.
(All photos without a stamp "fashioningfaith.blogspot.com" are 
Otherwise, they are courtesy of Rania © FashioningFaith Blog)

*Iftar = 'Buka Puasa Bersama' means "to open the fast".

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Sesini duyur!