
Handbags Store (part 1): Dowa

A couple months ago, my aunties came to my city to visit us. Then, during their visit in the city, they asked us to show some handbags stores which sell beautiful designed, unique, high-quality handbags, and better if they also sell batik-ed, ethnic, or other handcrafted bags.

This January, my aunty is going to visit her son and his family in the USA, so at that time, she wanted to bring them some handbags she bought here as souvenirs. She said that she knew they will love those handbags made in Indonesia.. :)

I knew some of the stores which sell those kind of handbags. Perhaps there are many more bags' stores with that specification that I did not know yet. You can share with me if you know other good quality bags' stores, particularly which based in Yogyakarta.

First store we visited was Dowa. They sell beautiful designs of handbags with rich of beautiful color blocking. They also sell knitted bags and clutches, and also pouches.

I love all those colors!

The upfront door of the store with pretty, delicate, ethnic design:

(Photos: Courtesy of Rania, FashioningFaith Blog)

Other handbags stores we visited will be in my next post. So, stick around! ;)

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