Review's Update: Feedback from Capsters team
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(Photo: courtesy of Capsters) |
Regarding to my review on Capsters 'Runner-type' Sports Hijab, the designer of Capsters, Cindy van den Bremen, has kindly gave her feedback on my suggestion about Capsters Runner. You can read my Capsters Review here.
Here is the feedback from Cindy and her information on the issue I got with my Capsters Runner:
Dear Rania,Thank you for sending the link to your blog and placing your review. Also much thanks for the improvements you suggested.We're probably going to lower the Runner collar with the next production, as we did with our Capsters Team.We are probably going to add another color variation as well ;-)As far as the extra space for a hair knot in the hijab: that's actually how I originally designed the sports hijabs. but the feedback I got was that the hijabs were too loose. So I tightened the designs for a snugger fit. Leaving little room for extra hair ;-)
Nevertheless, our Capsters Aerobics does have a special feature: a hairbag in the back that you can put your ponytail in so that the hijab and your hair stays in place while jumping and running.I will place a link to your blog on our Capsters Facebook fanpage!
Kind regards,Cindy van den BremenDesigner of Capsters
In Capsters' Facebook page, the Capsters team also gave their solution about this issue:
Also our Capsters Basic has a bit looser fit around the head, leaving room for a big knot of hair ;-)
Also, in their next production, Capsters will lower the Runner's collar and add more colour variation as well. Isn't it fantastic?
As you already read in my review, the Runner's materials are excellent.. and, with the forthcoming new design of Runner, I'm sure it would be worth it to have one.. (or two, perhaps.. ^_^).
Sesini duyur!