Enjoying Ramadhan.. Enjoying the sun(set)-light.. Enjoying our Faith..
Fashioning Faith: Waiting for Iftar
Saturday afternoon, August 20th, 2011, at Dixie - Easy Dining Cafe... Felt the sun(set)light warmed my face and have a really good time. Eventhough the sunlight was a bit garish, honestly, I enjoyed it. The light was not as hot as it felt during the mid-day and the breeze was a bit cold for me, so the sunlight really can warm me up.. :)
Here we are, on the last few days of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah.. so far, this year's Ramadhan's Fasting has been so good and easy for me.. (even, I enjoyed it.. because I didn't have to be bothered about "the activities of eating".. ^_^, so I could focus on other activities).
One thing that I love during Ramadhan is the time in the afternoon while we were waiting for 'iftar' (breaking our fast). It's usually filled out with many 'positive' activities we did with other Muslims/Muslimahs.
On August 20th afternoon, my Hijabers Community's friends held a mini fashion show, bazaar, also hijab and make-up tutorial, in coordination with Dixie - Easy Dining Cafe, Wardah - beauty cosmetic, and Honda - pitstop Ramadhan.
I had a really good time and made some new friends with other Muslimahs who also attended this event. We were entertained by a live music by two beautiful sisters with beautiful voices, and the event was spiced up with gifted-quizzes from sponsors.
The live music:
See?.. The sunlight (which fell on the face of the singer) was so bright.. |
Adorning a model for the Mini Fashion Show:
Here is a photo of one booth at the bazaar, Dila & Zata Shop's:
And now it's time for my favorite pictures... Style Snap Photos on some sisters' looks:
I love their style. |
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A unique hijab-wrap, harem pants, a tubular shawl as a vest, fur-ed handbag, and a pair of yellow mustard wedge-sandals. What did you think of her style? |
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Fun Red! :) |
Love the pretty color peach/coral hue of them :) |
Love the pants.. :) |
Make-up tutorial by Wardah Cosmetics:
The hijab tutorials:
Tutorial 1 by Dila & Zata Shop.
Tutorial 2 by Una Shop.
And here are style shoots I took from the Mini Fashion Show:
The designers with her/their model:
What did you think of their designs?
At last, I would like to share other fun photoshoots I took from that event.
Various hijab-wraps:

Founders of HCY :) |
Friends.. ;) |
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All of us. |
Okay, Lovelies.. time is ticking.. it's just a few days left before Eid..
I apologize for any mistakes I possibly did to you, and I pray we are all make the most of Ibadah in this Holy Month of Ramadhan.
Have a wonderful Eidul Fitri! :)
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