
A Reflection to be a Muslim Woman in Western Society

Fashioning Faith has just heard about a Hijab Day Challenge. That was happening recently on Thursday, March 4th, 2010. It was a day when the MSU at UCI (Muslim Student Union at the University of California Irvine) put on a challenge for many non-Muslim women: To try to see what it is like to wear the headscarf many Muslim women wear for one day. As part of their Islam Awareness Quarter, the statement was more of a way to see what it's like to be in the shoes of a Muslim woman.

Here was the flyer:

(Image via MSU-UCI official website)

At the end of the day, the MSU also brought in an esteemed speaker, Yasmin Mogahed to talk about hijab at a campus where a hundred women tried on the headscarf for a day to understand how a woman that wears hijab feels. Yasmin spoke about the role of hijab and modesty in contemporary American society.

I wonder how it would be? What are the thoughts from people who accepted this challenge?

You can watch the videos of Yasmin's talk here.
And also watch the videos of the reflections on hijab, by both muslims and non-muslims after Yasmin's talk, here.

What do you think about this?

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