
Hijab Tips To Have Many Different Styles On A Budget

Some of these tips are came from my own experiences. At the first time I wear hijab, I think I should get rid of almost all of my clothes. But, if I did that, I didn't have a big budget to buy the new ones. So I just experiment with my wardrobe and look for style inspiration from people around me. And here's what I got:

Some tips and tricks we can do to hijabify almost all clothes that we already have or clothes that we would love to wear but not hijab-friendly.

1. Wear a pair of sleeves extension if you wear a short-sleeves top.
2. Wear a long-sleeves tee underneath or a jacket/cardigan/bolero, if you wear a short/non-sleeves top.
3. Wear a neckline extension to cover your neck and your upper bosom if you wear a top with low neckline.
4. If you wear a mid-calf skirt/dress, wear a legging/tights to cover up the rest of your feet. (Note: but NOT wear leggings with your mini skirt or mini dress... ^_^)
The shorter your top, the wider/looser your bottom should be.
5. If you wear a tight clothes, cover it with a loose vest, or cover with your long-wide scarf/pashmina, or simply wear an outer cloth, like jacket, when you go outside.
So, I think, the main point here is to do with layering.

To save your budget on clothes and have many different styles on hijab, here is some things we can do:

1. Invest on basic-color high-quality long-sleeves tee, like: black, white, and cream/beige. These tee can be your basic cloth, and you can wear it underneath all your short-sleeves and no-sleeves tops.
2. Spend on an ever-last jacket. It should be a high-quality one with classic-style. A jacket would be very useful to cover up your sheer blouses, your non-sleeves tops, or even your tight t-shirts.
3. Twist your plain abaya or dress with accessories and clothing combo/layers. For example: wear your plain abaya with denim vest, long necklace, etc.
4. Experimenting with your wardrobe; try to mix-match your already-have outfits.
5. Try variety hijab wrap with your already-have headscarves or pashmina. You can make many different styles with one scarf/pashmina. For inspiration about how to wrap scarf/pashmina in many different styles, just click the links about the hijab wrap tutorial on Fashioning Faith's right-sidebar.
6. Spice up your usual hijab wrap with beautiful headbands or jewelries or fresh flowers, for a different look. You can also use your necklace or your clip earings to accessorize your hijab.
7. Use a bonnet with a hard cap in front of it, or so called: undercaps, to change the shape of our face.
8. Grow your hair. Long and thick hair can shape up your hijab. If you tie and then roll it, it gives 'a place' for your hijab to drape beautifully. It also gives natural volume to your hijab.
9. If your scarf is too thin/transparent, wrap it around your head two times, so it would be more opaque.
10. Always wear a bonnet/underscarf for a neat look.
11. Accessorize your bag with your headscarf, as the muslim woman on The Sartorialist did... ;)
12. Invest on high quality shoes. In minimum, we just need to have 3 kind of shoes: for special event/formal occasion, for daily wear, and for sport activities. Except you like to shopping or an easy-to-get-bored person, buy cheap shoes, so you can buy shoes more often since cheap shoes are easy to break or tear.
13. Recycle your old long-sleeves t-shirt into a matching bolero-underscarf, as Sister Neira did in her video (unfortunately she has removed her video from YouTube). Cut the tee horizontally into two parts; the (upper) one with the sleeves would be a bolero/sleeves extension, and the one with no sleeves (bottom part) can be cut into an underscarf. Now, you have sleeves that match with your underscarf.

Do you have your own tips on hijab style? Please, share it to us... ^_^

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