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New Scarves.. made in Indonesia

Ina's Scarf

Soon, there will be one more option to choose hijabs...

Indonesia, as one of the hubs for Muslimah Fashion and has many creative talented Islamic Fashion designers, is growing fast to show off to the world what the distinctive styles it has. Irna Mutiara, as one of the designers (designer of Irna la Perle), just launched her style blog for her NEW scarves' design, Ina's Scarf.

The scarves she design will be using local products craftmenship, such as, woven fabrics, knitting, batik, and handprints.

I'm so glad that the brand pointed out the Indonesian distinctive tradition style which is so famous for its rich and bold colors, unique fabrics and prints...

Combined with Irna Mutiara's creativity and edgy kind of style in design, hopefully this brand will contribute to the wide selection of quality hijabs for Muslim women, and also will make us, Indonesian people, proud on their own tradition/culture.

The It Scarf campaign | Photographer : Afrizal | Models : Ashfi Qamara & Joyce
(Photo credit: Ina's Scarf)

Ina's scarf will be launching soon and the scarves collection can be bought online. Now the site is still under construction. Join their Facebook page and tweets to get updates about this brand.

I'm excited to see what Ina's Scarf will come up with... ^^


Sesini duyur!