
Cutie Little Tita with her turban style..

Street style

Twice a week I take and accompany my 4 years old son to the place where he learn to read Al Qur'an.

The last time I took him, I saw one of his friends, Tita, wearing a cute kebaya-outfit with a headscarf wrapped into a 'turban style'.

I love seeing her style, so I can't help myself from not photograhing her... Good job, Mom! ;)

 Tita with her 'turban style' headscarf.

With mom.
With mom and friends.
(Photos: Courtesy of Rania, FashFaith.com)

Can you see yourself pull off this kind of headwrapping?

If you can, you can sporting this style by adding an inner ninja underneath the headscarf to cover up your neck, And... for you who comfortable if the chest area is covered too, you can also add a scarf twisted around your neck and upper bosom to add some coverage ..

Watch also today's editor's pick on hijab tutorial (on the right sidebar) showing a chic 'turban style' from HijUp.com.

And... keep an eye out to my next post about the latest designs in inner ninja, that I thought they are better than what there have been already popular.

See you!

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Sesini duyur!